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To Like or not to Like - What does it mean?

We all want to be liked, it’s human nature. We believe being liked by everyone makes us or our business look good, interesting, busy. Why does it bother us so much when we lose likes, don’t get enough likes? It shouldn’t.

Not being liked or being trolled can lead to depression and worse, suicide. For business, does it mean they aren’t good enough, busy enough, just another trainer etc.

Social media and life has become very fast paced. People want instant weight loss, faster food, a pill to fix it all, and a dislike button for the nasty comments, pictures, people etc. Some people have even taken to making nasty comments about anyone and anything. Look at your most loved celebrity; guarantee they have lovers and haters.

In truth, social media is not a reflection of a person’s true self or how successful and professional a business is. So many people and businesses use Photoshop, models, fake feedback comments, or comment on how amazing their life is, but is it really? We are NOT all perfect, no one is, and that’s life.

Sure it’s not nice to lose LIKES or be knocked back or have nasty comments made about you but that’s when you really need to step back and say, ‘Does this reflect who I am?, What I offer? How I run my business? My qualifications? How successful I am? How many true friends I really have?

We all need to STOP and (yes the old saying) ‘Treat others as you wish to be treated’. Think about what is happening, who by, does it really affect me and the person I am, does it reflect the truth and how can I ignore it, rise above it or get the truth out there? Me – I started to blog.

Remember, the nasty people are the ones that are bored, unhappy and do not always know who you really are, what you are really capable of or the situation they are commenting on.

Before you judge, learn about that person or ask questions. E.g. is your fitness professional qualified or experienced?

In my recent online experience, my qualifications that are accepted by Nationally Recognised Training Organisations, Australian Massage Association, Fitness Australia and so on were not accepted by a closed Facebook group?? Why? Because they wanted a copy of one of my certificates. Great that they wanted qualified people only but my certificate wasn’t the level they wanted even when they advertised it as my level. Little did they know about my other qualifications that put me to that level. How did it make me feel? Angry, upset, rejected (damn you social media). Oh well, onwards and upwards. It just showed me that in person and behind social media people are still excluding, and don’t support fellow professionals or one another in the same field or social situations. Where did helping, supporting and mentoring one another go? It was just one persons opinion and doesn’t reflect who I am or how successful my business is.

When did groups or individuals become the leader or set the social acceptance of another human being. Why has society become such a mine, mine, mine about situations, life, information?

Never judge another person or business, they maybe too busy to fill social media with pictures you will scroll past, ignore or have seen before. Or too busy to check social media. Maybe people are going old school and relying on word of mouth? Word of mouth and experiencing my business is proof in itself. Loving yourself and those around you is proof itself.

Social media is a great way to chat to friends, share your day out photos or find local business to use (that’s how I find my fellow local businesses). Don’t let social media get you down, it’s just someone’s opinion.

I’m just one person and this is my opinion.

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