How to increase Calorie Burn
Did you know there are four different ways you burn calories? Or better still… Would you like to know how to increase the number of...

Chronic Pain Is Real
Chronic Pain is real. It cannot be seen, imaging scans show no damage, but the pain felt is real. Chronic Pain can come from a past...

Exercise for Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is widespread musculoskeletal pain that is accompanied by fatigue, lack of or disrupted sleep, memory and mood issues and...

Mind over Matter
We have all heard of it but its more that just a catchy phrase. Often when I am training people through their exercise program, I see...

Does one size fit all?
There are a lot of #influencers, businesses and friends out there promoting health and wellbeing for your mind and body and telling you...

Cupping - Bruises or Beneficial?
Cupping: we all think it is a painful modality where glass cups are placed on the body causing painful suction of the skin and when taken...

Exercise and Pain Management
Chronic pain is defined as pain lasting longer than 12 weeks. It can occur from an injury, lifestyle or illness. It contributes to poor...

A diet secret from the ancient Greeks
Did you know the word diet is a derivative of the Latin word diaeta? Guess what it means… . . . It means “a manner of living” or “a way...

Can you sleep your way to thin?
Ok so maybe you can’t sleep yourself thin but rest assured, if you’re looking to lose weight, a lack of sleep stacks the odds of winning...

The Truth about Quick and Easy Weight Loss
Can you handle the truth? Or do you want me to tell you want you want to hear? We’re human, and it’s in our nature to be lazy, to want...